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Birthday Reading, Solar/Tithi Return

N​avigating the year ahead

1 h
136 Canadian dollars
Phone or video conferencing

Service Description

A powerful way to ​celebrate your birthday (or a loved one's) is to consciously connect with the year ahead ​b​y observ​ing the return of the sun and moon to the same positions they occupied on your day of birth​, yet expressed through a fresh celestial formation.​ Th​e sacred geometry of the planets against the stars ​changes each year and provides a forecast for the year ahead. It serves as a wonderful way to link your annual ​i​intentions to the karma unfolding for you. While this reading is ideally done closer to your birthday, it can be performed at any time. In this enlightening experience, you will gain a profound understanding of the cosmic energies shaping the year ahead and their influence on your personal journey. By tuning into these planetary patterns, you can establish meaningful intentions that resonate with your true essence and aspirations. Consciously setting annual goals and planning ensures you remain aligned with your purpose and meaning, allowing you to harness the planetary energies for optimal outcomes. Whether you seek to enhance your personal relationships, advance your career, or improve your overall well-being, this reading will guide you in aligning your actions with the universe’s wisdom, empowering you to embrace the opportunities and challenges that await you.

Contact Details


Vancouver, BC, Canada

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