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Moon of selfless service, community & humanity


Full Moon in Aquarius

Aug 19, 2024

The sun moved into Leo on Aug 16th, so the full moon will take place in the opposite sign of Aquarius, specifically in Dhanishta Nakshatra.

This moon brings us beyond our personal agendas and goals and asks us to reflect on our bigger impact in the world. Do you feel connected? Have you considered how you affect others? Are you missing community? Is it time to reach out?

Aquarius is that part within us that knows we are one big global family; we care about humanity, desire to connect and give back, to offer service. It is ironic that in this age of devices which were supposed to connect us, many often feel more isolated. We need technology yet more than ever, we also need good old fashioned gathering, satsang, music, togetherness.

Dhanishta Nakshatra is symbolized by Shiva’s drum and Krishna’s flute. These musical instruments are hollow and allow the rhythm of the universe to flow through them. When we become filled with the breath of life, we naturally empty out our desires and become hollow, allowing the universe to flow through us, sharing our joy.

Any block you may be experiencing at the moment, just know that we are both the creator and remover of those blocks. Dhanishta teaches us to get out of our own way, and allow the cosmic wisdom to flow. 

Here are some small, simple yet impactful considerations to implement with this full moon:

Do no harm.

Leave each space better than how you found it.

Reduce consumption.

Create less waste.

Pick up trash.


Choose biodegradable options.

Reach out to local organizations and offer help.

Become a volunteer.

Smile at strangers.


Consider how your lifestyle affects others and the earth, make small changes and notice your sparkle with each small win. Do what you can, and know that you make a difference. 



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