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New Moon in sidereal Cancer

Aug 4th 4:13am PT 

The sun and moon unite during a new moon creating a cosmic seed moment for new beginnings. This New Moon is in the sign of Cancer ruled by the water element and the Moon herself. This is the sign of the Divine Feminine where our urge to nurture and love unconditionally is strongest. We are more sensitive and in tune with others’ moods, so be aware of your ability to be a psychic sponge, and surround yourself with good vibes.

In Cancer we enter the realm of emotions where some of us are rejoicing and feeling at home in the heart, and others are crying from the waves of feelings they have been avoiding. Our job is to anchor into the heart and sink below our turbulent emotions to a place of unconditional love for ourself. This requires self tenderness, a kind of self parenting to soothe and calm our inner waters. 

We seek outwardly for unconditional love from others, when really this is something that comes from deep within. When we seek love from the outside, we miss the source and set ourselves up for disappointment. The lesson here is to realize that love is not something we “get”, it is something we GIVE. Just like our mother figures gave this pure love to us, it is now our turn to give. 

If you are feeling rejected, and have crawled into your shell… instead of lashing out with your claws, a good remedy is to give your love selflessly to children, pets, elders or to volunteer your time to a good cause. You will suddenly notice your defences melting and your joy returning. 

This new moon is in the Nakshatra Asleesha, “The Entwining Star” and ruled by the deity Ahi, the Naga King, the lord of serpents. In the Vedas, snakes depict wisdom and alertness in the mind. Meditation, breath and higher knowledge make us aware of emotions and their changing nature. Once you observe and accept them, you will be amazed how smoothly they shift and release. If you are feeling emotionally entangled and reactionary, be careful with words as this Nakshatra gives us the serpent tongue, where words can be sharp and biting. This same serpent power is empowering to those who practise meditation and can bring about great awakening and words of healing… the choice is always ours.

Unconditional love is where we give without looking for anything in return. Once you start to serve, you will forget what you lack because you will fill with divine love.



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